Congratulations on becoming a new Christian! Now that you’ve accepted Jesus as your savior, reading the Bible is an essential part of growing in your faith. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Get a Bible. The first step is to get a Bible that is easy to read and understand. There are many translations available, and you can start with one that is recommended by your church or a trusted Christian friend. You can buy a Bible at your local bookstore like Barnes & noble or you can even find one at your local goodwill.

2. Set a time and place. Choose a time and place that works for you to read the Bible each day. Many Christians find it helpful to start the day with a few minutes of Bible reading and prayer.

3. Pray for guidance. Before you start reading, ask God to help you understand what you are about to read and to apply it to your life.

4. Start with the Gospels. The Gospels are the first four books of the New Testament, and they tell the story of Jesus’ life and ministry. Start with the Gospel of John, which is easy to read and understand.

5. Take notes. As you read, write down any questions or insights that come to mind. This will help you remember what you’ve read and apply it to your life.

6. Join a Bible study group. Joining a Bible study group is a great way to learn more about the Bible and meet other Christians who can support you in your faith journey.

Remember: Reading the Bible is not just an intellectual exercise but an opportunity to grow in your relationship with God. As you read, ask God to speak to you through His Word and guide you in your daily life. Happy reading!